For Those About To Write...


Hello! Are you a writer with a great story to submit? If so, then S.A.V.A. Press wants to hear from you. Read the following submission guidelines very closely, then decide if S.A.V.A. Press would be a good fit for your work. Be sure to check our blog to see when our submission windows will be. Anything submitted outside of those windows will not be accepted.

What We’re Looking For

S.A.V.A. Press is a multi-genre publisher. We like literary, character-driven stories that are rich in both context and subtext, and stick with the reader long afterwards. We like experimental work—especially work that straddles more than one genre—and we believe that the best art tends to be a bit dark and disturbing. Basically, if it’s well-written, and it’s within our parameters of acceptable work, you have a shot at getting published with us.

Read on for more specific information, and check out this video:

Genres we publish include:

-Literature (No speculative elements; the classic “extraordinary people in ordinary situations” story.)

-Horror (Psychological, supernatural, ghosts, monsters, etc.)

-Science Fiction (Hard, soft…and if you’re not familiar with those distinctions, you probably shouldn’t be writing SF.)

-Speculative Fiction (Twilight Zone-style tales of strangeness and wonder, or anything weird that can’t be described as strictly horror or science fiction.)

-Mystery/Suspense (Detective, noir, modern, hi-tech…as long as it’s tense and/or chilling.)

-Crime Fiction (Get down and dirty.)

-Humor (Whatever it is, it better make us LOL.)

S.A.V.A. Press doesn’t accept the following genres:

-Poetry (Nothing wrong with it, but there’s plenty of poetry journals out there.)

-Historical Fiction (Seriously, we don’t care about someone’s idea of what Napoleon was up to in his spare time.)

-Teen Fiction (There can be teenagers and/or children protagonists in your story, but the writing has to be more challenging than young adult level. Basically, we’re more into The Shining than The Hunger Games.)

-Romance (We’re not savages. There can be romance in your story, but there’d better be some interesting characters and/or situations to go with it.)

-Erotica (We’re not prudes. There can be sex in your story, there just has to be a plot, too.)

-Propaganda (Any work where the “message” trumps the actual story. Good writers can make their point without beating their readers over the head with it.)

-Fan Fiction (That’s what Archive Of Our Own is for.)

Word Count? Reprints? Anything Else?

Any work up to 10K words within the preceding parameters is acceptable. Please make sure that it’s polished and as typo-free as possible. Excessive typos will disqualify your work. We do accept reprints, just be sure to mention where the story was originally published in your cover letter.

Please only submit one story per quarter.

Simultaneous submissions are fine. Just let us know in your cover letter that the story has also been submitted elsewhere.

How To Submit

Email your story to S.A.V.A. Press at

Please follow these instructions:

-The subject line should be Story Title/Genre(s)/Author Name (Ex. The Black Cat/Horror-Mystery/Edgar Allan Poe.)

-Include a brief cover letter introducing yourself and describing the plot of your story. No need to get too creative here; just tell us what your story’s about, how it ends, and the word count. Tell us where it’s been published before in the case of reprints. Your cover letter can begin “Hello,” for brevity.

-Copy/paste your story into the body of the email. No attachments, please. Thank you.

-Times-New Roman, 12 pt. font, single-spaced paragraphs, double-spaced between paragraphs.

Then What?

After you’ve submitted your story, there will naturally be a wait time. We will try to make it as short as possible. If your story is accepted, we will email you with further instructions. Rather than sending out those dreaded rejection emails, we will instead post an announcement on our blog with the accepted authors/stories for that submission period.

In certain circumstances, we may contact you with a rejection email that encourages you to keep submitting, or maybe even with a suggestion for a more appropriate site for you to submit your story to. We believe in helping authors and fellow publishers along, and not just being out for ourselves.

We may also contact you with an acceptance email that suggests edits or changes to your story. We will keep this to a minimum, but we believe that publishing should be a collaborative process.

And Then…?

Unfortunately, S.A.V.A. Press is unable to offer payment for work at this time—BUT WE SINCERELY HOPE TO BE ABLE TO IN THE FUTURE. We truly believe that authors should get paid for their work, not only when it’s first published, but every time it’s published thereafter.

Okay, so since we can’t pay you, what do you get besides being published on our site? Well, we offer a very aggressive promotional package for our writers. Links to your story will be shared on all of our social media sites. Our Editor-In-Chief, Jesse, will introduce your story via video, and if you like, we’ll feature you in an “author spotlight” video in which Jesse will introduce you to the S.A.V.A. Press audience and promote your author sites, blogs, and/or other works. All promotional links will be emailed to you so that you can share them far and wide.

Here at S.A.V.A. Press, we truly want our authors to be successful, and we’ll work hard to help them along. Our goal is to create a bond of loyalty with our writers, who will in turn promote us and direct other authors our way.

Remember: we’re all in this together!

That’s all for now. Be sure to check back for any updates to the above information.

Thanks for reading, and good luck.